Monday, August 09, 2021


Every once in a while, writers get writer’s block. They can sit in front of the keyboards for days, weeks, months or even decades without being able to put a single word into the word processor. 


I’ve spent hours, aimlessly wandering around the house in a feeble attempt to chase my block away. Hell, I even watered the yard, trimmed some bushes, painted one side of the house, cleaned the stove, did the laundry… still, nothing! 


Maybe it’s because the world is so full of hatred and division, by which I have been consumed? Could my sarcastic attacks on Joe Biden or Kamalala finally be backfiring on me? Maybe I could get something going if I put on my mask and paid attention to Fauci? 


Having contemplated all of that, it finally dawned on me that I should try writing something… well… uplifting.  So, here goes: Did you hear that AOC has tried to improve her looks by tying two hot-air balloons to her bra? 


That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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