Wednesday, July 21, 2021

MSM Guilty of Blatant Censorship

None of the mainstream media outlets is informing the public about what is going on in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan or other states regarding the conduct of the 2020 elections. That is pure dereliction of duty and amount to censorship by the press.


They’ve had virtually nothing to say about the major violations which occurred in Arizona, or the fact that Maricopa County officials, although under a state supreme court order to do so, have failed to turn over routers used in the November elections that could contain the smoking guns. In fact, county officials have defiantly said to the auditors that they have received all they’re going to get.   


While at least one Arizona State Senator is demanding decertification of the election and that a new election be held, things are also warming up in Georgia, where it has been discovered that Stacey Abrams who conducted the election was responsible for the hiring of election workers, at least in Fulton County.  After examining growing evidence of fraud, several state officials are now requesting that audits of at least 13 Georgia counties be held!


Similar stories are being uncovered in Pennsylvania and Michigan, but the MSM is turning its collective backs on investigation and reporting of the facts.


Freedom of the press does not bestow upon journalists the right to censorship!


That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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