Wednesday, May 08, 2019


The Democrats continue their unrelenting attack on President Trump, Attorney General Barr and anyone else even remotely connected with the Trump Administration.  They are not only doubling down, but are tripling and quadrupling down on failed strategies that continue to backfire and make them look like the enemies of democracy they really are.  

They are demanding to look at the full, unredacted version of the Mueller Report which proved beyond a reasonable doubt that President Trump and his campaign had nothing sinister to do with the Russians.  Yet, the final report contains Grand Jury information which, by law, must remain private and confidential in order to protect witnesses and the non-indicted.  There are also ongoing investigations being wrapped up which, in order to protect the integrity of those investigations, must remain secret.  

The full Mueller Report, minus those redactions, is available to Members of Congress.  Yet, the lying Democrats continue to complain they have been denied access, while refusing to go and look at the report; they are trying to convince the public that something is being hidden from them.  

Although William Barr testified at length before a Senate committee, the House Judiciary Committee saw fit to demand Barr's appearance again.  What's more, they refused to question him themselves, opting instead to have "staff attorneys" do the questioning in a closed session... something that has never in the history of Congress been done before... something reserved for impeachment proceedings.  When Barr offered to show up for an open hearing, the Dems refused, so Barr justifiably did not appear.  They are now threatening Contempt of Congress proceedings against Barr... for refusing to make such an appearance and for refusing to violate the law by giving them a fully unredacted version of the Mueller Report. 

They've issued over 100 subpoenas to various current and former members of the Trump Administration, a political stunt designed to besiege the presidency and render the President impotent.  Faced with what will be certain criminal charges against them and their cohorts arising out of the Obama-Clinton mafia and coverups, they feel their only option is not to come clean, but to get Barr sidelined... immediately.  

Now, out of desperation and malice, the Dems are threatening to usurp the Constitution and cut off the salaries of those subpoenaed unless they appear... somewhat like cutting off the salaries of judges unless they decide in your favor.  It appears they want to turn Washington into nothing more than a Soviet Gulag.  

We've simply got to quit talking about this heinous bullshit and do something about it.  Revolution is in the air.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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