Monday, October 08, 2018


What the Democrats, the media and the George Soros paid protesters have done to this country during the last couple of months is beyond reprehensible.  In concert with each other, they have torn and torn and torn away at the fabrics of our society, lashing out at us, their enemies... calling us names, getting in our faces, stalking us in public places, hurling f-bombs at us and threatening us and our families if we do not do as they command.

The Kavanaugh hearings are, thank God, over.  Nevertheless, they leave scars upon our country which will not soon be forgotten.

Their despicable rhetoric, their antics, their lies and their maneuvers cannot and must not be tolerated.  We must quit buying their "fake news,"  patronizing their advertisers and allowing their attempts at intimidation.  Above all, we need to drive home the lessons in November elections that this is America, and that they need to either stand with us in the support of our heritage or sit down and shut up.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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