Friday, April 20, 2018


We all agree that the illegal immigration problem in this country has gotten way out of hand.  I think we were also hoping that the Supreme Court would uphold President Trump's orders to deport illegals who commit violent crimes.  Gorsuch, however, felt that the law enabling President Trump to take his action was unconstitutionally vague.  

The laws we enact must be explicit and clearly defined; allowing for anything less opens the door for a President, or any person responsible for executing those laws, vast leeway in interpretation and application.  That, for example, enabled Obama to get away with so many unjust policies and decisions that the country is still reeling from the consequences. 

What needs to happen now is that the Congress needs to pass a better-defined law, one that can pass the standards of Constitutionality.  I am very happy that we have a Justice on the Supreme Court who will apply even-handed and fair oversight of our laws and decisions based upon what our founding fathers really envisioned.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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