Monday, December 18, 2017


The United States Department of Justice is infected with scum.  Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is an obstructionist who is stonewalling Congress on requests for documents and information; he hired Robert Mueller as Special Counsel to investigate alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, but that project has branched out and escalated into a full-fledged investigation of all top-level Trump employees and associates and is not confined to "Russian-Trump collusion."  

It is has been evident from the start that the Office of the Special Counsel was not established to provide an even-handed, unbiased investigation.  Instead of hiring experts with apolitical backgrounds, Mueller has hired a team of Democrat cronies and it is becoming increasingly evident that they all despise Trump as well as anyone associated with him.  Some of them even forked for one or more of the Clinton operations.  However, most of us expected that the investigation would be fair and actually looked forward to it.  

The FBI has also proven itself to be a political organization of the Clinton-Obama machine.  Their mission has morphed from investigating crime and providing justice in the good old American way to carrying out the political objectives of the Democrat regime and covering for the associated criminal activities.   

Presiding over all of this is Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  It appears to even the novice watcher that he is either part of the machine that seeks to unseat Trump or that he is incapable of being in the top leadership role in the department.  Any man of responsible integrity would have ended the Mueller charade months ago.  

Mr. Trump, it's time to clean house.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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