Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Investigative reports put forth by Lou Dobbs of FOX BUSINESS NEWS and Judicial Watch reveal that the State Department is refusing, even to this day, to turn over some 72,000 Clinton emails ordered released by a Federal Court over two years ago.  In the meanwhile, an FBI informant who was working on the Clinton-Russia investigation, among other things, and who discovered far-reaching evidence that he wanted to turn over to Congress, was prevented from doing so by an employment clause; Congress now seeks the Jeff Sessions Justice Department to lift that gag order so that the agent can testify, but our Attorney General has thus far refused to comply.  Finally, although the FBI had flatly stated there was no information on the infamous Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch meeting on a Phoenix airport tarmac and although it now admits that such records do in fact exist, it is also thus far refusing to turn those records over.  

According to these reports, both Democrats and Republicans in Congress have actively participated in blocking such information from public scrutiny.  

Somebody needs to sue the government and the Supreme Court needs to hear the  It may even be necessary for the President to declare a state of national emergency until this is all investigated and sorted out. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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