Tuesday, March 28, 2017


If you'll remember correctly, China made a move to take over security at many American ports when Hillary was Secretary of State.  Now, China is on the move in a similar direction: it's trying to buy up and control land around the Panama Canal.  The Panama Canal Authority, which has managed the canal since the United States ceded ownership to the Panamanian government in 1999, will officially open approximately 1,200 hectares of land around the waterway to development into a logistics park by the end of this year.  Chinese authorities are expressing an interest.  

Chinese state-owned corporations have expanded their presence in ports located along strategic waterways in an effort to control global trade routes.  Firms owned by the Chinese government have already acquired majority control over key ports in Sri Lanka and Greece, as well as minority control over ports in Europe, Africa and Asia. China is backing up its intent to fully control these ports by expanding its military marines.  

The United States and other western-oriented nations could be in dire straights if they become unable to conduct international commerce on the world's waterways.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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