Saturday, September 28, 2013


When I first heard Nancy Pelosi proclaim that the budget cupboard is bare, I couldn't believe my ears.  You could probably cut $500 billion off the budget in waste alone... maybe even $1 trillion if you cut her salary as well.  We also spend so damned much money on worthless projects and in supporting other country governments who don't give a hoot about any one of us.  

The first place they should cut the budget is with ObamaCare.  That's a NEW program that's going to add NEW costs to the budget when we can't afford the costs we already have.  

And then I got angry.  I thought about writing a nasty, snide post about Ms. Pelosi and actually got halfway through it when I started to reflect that she can't help herself; so, I backed away from it.  You see, where I come from, when people are untamed and wild, not in control of their faculties, you simply have to forgive them. Always remember: hell hath no fury like a lunatic scorned. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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