Tuesday, June 28, 2011



It's bad enough that our Federal Government under President Obama and Congress has failed to deliver an answer to the jobs problem.  The Republicans are insistent that the business climate has to be better to create jobs and the Democrats are saying that given enough time, their stimulus programs will get things moving.  Because neither side is budging and jobs are not being created, the situation continues to be bleak and the unemployed are paying the penalty for it. 

Now a new and much more sinister snake rears its ugly head.  Due to the large number of unemployed, businesses are being inundated with applications whenever they advertise an open position; this is often unmanageable.  So, the HR heads get together to try and resolve this issue and guess what they come up with? The thought process logically progresses to a theory that people who are employed are better employees and are being retained by their current employers for that reason; the weak employees are on the streets looking for work. 

Hence,  the evolution to:  "Unemployed need not apply."  

Now, this truly is a form of class warfare and it's being perpetuated by a government that refuses to get off the dime and change things.   It makes me sick. 

But, that's not all.  Families that lose their jobs, homes, cars, furniture end up turning to social agencies for assistance and they answer?  Men and women must be segregated and families must be broken up.  We have students dropping out of school, people going hungry, suicides... 

The failure of our government to get people back to work is creating a horrible, ugly blight on our society and it is immoral, unethical and contrary to every value that we as human beings should have.  A government that refuses to lay down its political positions and to resolve such a situation within its own humanity is not only negligent, it is guilty of a crime of the worst magnitude.   

How can we justify sending one damned dime to another nation while this situation exists?  How can we justify being at war in three foreign countries when this situation exists?  How can we as a nation focus on a Blagojevich, a Casey Anthony, an Anthony Weiner... when this situation exists? 

When are we actually going to do something about it? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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