Tuesday, February 15, 2011



Obama seems to me to be obsessed with the idea that the American citizen is as dumb as a post.  Take his recent stance on our deficit and his proposed budget, for example.  He has given several speeches where he seems to agree that this country is in deep, deep financial trouble, and then he promises to fix it.  Well, anyone who has paid even the slightest attention to this baboon understands that what he says bears no relationship at all to what he does.  

He makes a big speech the other day talking about how his new budget is going to save us $1.1 trillion off the national debt over the next ten years.  Yet, we are slated to increase the national debt by $1.65 trillion in this year alone.  Already, the fuzzy math that is going to save us money is going to cost us half a trillion bucks in the very first year.  

And, evidently, he expects us not to catch this "fuzzy math."  

This is why I have quit paying attention to what the guy is saying.  Every time he comes on the tube, I either change channels or turn the contraption off on go barf.  This guy not only knows how to doublespeak, he can triple speak and trillionspeak faster than a speeding bullet!  

Sometimes, I wish he would just shut the hell up. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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