Monday, December 20, 2010



The Obama Storm Troopers have summarily shut down more blogs and websites, ostensibly for the illegal use or sale of copyrighted materials.  Now, I've said it before and I'll say it again: if they are violating the law, they should be shut down... legally. 

Yes, there is a legal process in the country.  You give notice of the alleged violation and the opportunity to cease and desist or explain yourself.  If that doesn't work, you go to a Court and get a Court Order to shut the site down, so you have judicial review.  Then, the site owner can fight it in Court and it will be decided upon its merits.  

This is the third time I am aware of where the feds have simply summarily shut down webs and blogs without notice, without judicial review and without the opportunity for the accused offenders to have any kind of hearing whatsoever. 

Why isn't the media investigating and reporting these "storm trooper" activities?  Can they close THIS blog down because they don't like hearing the truth? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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