Wednesday, July 21, 2010

THE SHERROD AFFAIR: Obama’s Last Stand?


Once again the Obama Administration has shown its total callousness toward everyone and everything that exists beyond the fence line at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Now comes Shirley Sherrod, an employee of the U.S.D.A. whose remarks were taken out of context and blown up to be something that they were not. Totally without hearing all of the remarks, the White House and Sherrod’s supervisor suffered from a knee-jerk reaction, concluded that Sherrod was engaged in reverse racism and summarily fired her.

Now, after watching the full tape of the remarks and in the middle of a firestorm, the White House has taken a sudden reversal, begged for Sherrod to come back and issued an apology. They waited until the press and the media got a hold of the truth and aired it on national television to finally review the whole tape. And, they evidently want Sherrod to roll over, come back to work and play like nothing ever happened.

There’s the total lack of understanding on the illegal immigration issue, the Khalid Sheik Mohammed trial, the Gulf Oil Disaster, the Health Care debacle, the economy, unemployment, the issue of making the military buy their own health insurance… Really, when is enough enough? Is this finally the straw that will break the back?

Everyone knows what Obama is; when are we going to do something about it? He needs to be so isolated in his fancy White House after November that he can’t do a damned thing. He needs to be made politically impotent.

I never thought I would say this, but I am finally convinced that every seat up for election in November needs to be filled with a Republican, and then we must ride herd on the Republicans to make sure they step up to the plate.

I think enough IS enough.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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