Saturday, February 06, 2010


I am honored to be a member of the American Legion. Not only is it fitting, since I spent four years in the U.S. Air Force during the Viet Nam era, but it is also fitting because I was privileged to be selected to attend Utah’s American Legion Boys State back in B.C. (before computers). Today, I’m working with a Post committee in the recruitment and selection of young men and women to attend Boys State or Girls State in California. In reflection, I think that my involvement in military service, Civics in high school, the American Legion and Boys State have all contributed to my interest in what is going on in Washington and all over America today, as well as to my outspoken criticism of today’s politicians and our government in general.

I thank Glenn Beck for taking on the challenge of educating Americans as to the real history of this country and as to what is really going on in Washington and in state houses around the country. I think he has done more in the past year to teach Americans about who we are and where we are going than any single person over the past 30 or 40 years. Maybe that is why his ratings are the highest in his time slot, second best among all T.V. shows of all networks of the entire 24-hour day, and why the White House never dings his red phone.

Somehow, in all of this prosperity we have enjoyed as a nation, over the past five or six decades we have lost our way and we are in danger of losing our identity not only as a nation, but as individuals as well. And, I see the foundations upon which this great country was built being eroded every day; history tells me that the things that are happening in our country today are precursors to a change in government.

That disturbs me to no end.

What is encouraging is the success of the American Tea Party. Other signs also point to the fact that Americans are wanting to find out what in the hell is going on and they don’t like what they are discovering. For years now, both parties have been guilty of a cavalier attitude about the trust we place in them and about their duties as public servants. As a result, our basic justice system has been compromised. You can buy a Judge or a Congressman. Our educational system is infested with books and teachers who deny our heritage as a country and who push their agendas into the brains of our children; that’s called indoctrination. Our financial system is crumbling.

Our Constitution lays out a grand plan where the central government has severely restricted powers. Each state is a sovereign state, much like a sovereign nation; it enacts its own laws, elects its own leaders. The only reason you had a central government in the first place was to provide for the common defense and to regulate commerce among the states. There was no other reason for a central government; the states, by joining the Union, gave the central government very limited powers and the Constitution specifically reserved any powers not expressly given to the central government to belong to the states.

The role of the people was to exercise their political powers at the state levels. The state would send people to Washington to represent the interests of the states in the central government. But, as time has gone on, the states have allowed the central government to grow and we, the people, haven’t put a stop to it. Once the central government got the right to levy taxes on us, they gained the ability to say to the states, “We may not constitutionally have the power to make this law, but if you interfere, we’ll cut off your funding.” You know the old saying… “He who controls the purse controls the country.”

And, now look where we are.

How do we regain control? Well, the first thing is to run off all of the incumbents we can in 2010. The greed, corruption and lack of ethics in Washington are a cancer upon this nation and the only way to remove the blight is to get rid of those who allow it to exist. The second thing we need to do is to reduce the role of the central government and to return the powers to the states. Only by so doing can we disassemble the dynasties and fiefdoms that have flourished in Washington and pirated our freedoms and liberties.

That’s it in a simple nutshell.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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