Saturday, November 14, 2009


Where in the Constitution does it say that ACORN has a fundamental right to be funded by the Congress, whether they are crooks or not? Where does it say that I should pay for my neighbor’s abortion when she never gave me the chance to take her to bed? What language can you point to that says the rights of a gay minority automatically trump the rights of a straight majority? Where is the provision that says the President or the Congress has an unalienable right to ignore the provisions of the Constitution?

What gives the Speaker of the House the right to certify a new member and then to allow them to vote before the state has certified their election? Where in that document does it say that the power of government lies with the Congress and not with the States or with the people? What provision is there that requires us to give a complete and fair trial to someone who commits an act of war or terrorism against us? Where is the language that says: if I have a better health insurance policy than my neighbor, my policy should be taxed?

Where does it say that our Congress can spend more money than we take in, that they have the right to make us pay for it and that there is nothing we can do about it? What gives Congress the right to use OUR money to coerce the States into giving up their powers? How does Congress get away with mortgaging the souls of our grandchildren without the consent of the people?

Where does it say that our government can force us to buy something we don’t want or do not need and have us thrown in jail if we do not comply? What gives government the right to interfere with my doctor-patient relationship, to dictate medical decisions to me, or to take from me my money to pay for health insurance for illegal aliens? Where does it say that we have to accept illegal aliens, that we have no right to control our borders, or that we have to provide illegal aliens American jobs and allow them to vote?

What is all of this social re-engineering of America really all about, this “Change?”

Who in the hell do you think you guys are?

Those are MY AMERICAN QUESTIONS, respectfully submitted.

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