Wednesday, March 04, 2009


We're so intent on couching our words these days, so afraid that someone will yell back at us for saying what is on our minds, that we have become an endangered species! We fear that, if we say what we think, if we stand up and put our opinions on the table, those who disagree will most certainly slay us after submitting us to days and weeks of torture on the rack.

These days, particularly in Washington, there are those who will do just that to us! They will do it to us because they know that we have become, at their insistence, a nation of spineless cowards who have forgotten that sticks and stones may break our bones, but words can never hurt us. By the creation of this atmosphere of fear, this modern-day almost-Constitutional requirement for "political correctness," they have assumed a power over us, a control that, in fact, we cannot break until do speak out.

One never learns anything unless they ask questions. "Why?" is a favorite one that comes to mind. "Why is it that this economic tactic you are trying with our money is going to work this time when it has never worked before in the history of mankind?"

To such a question, reasonable men and women would enter into a dialogue and you would discuss viewpoints, history, facts, and economic theory, and in this process you would undoubtedly come to some consensus; some would learn, some would teach, some minds would be changed and the end result would undoubtedly be better. Only those who don't want you to know the answer, only those who have hidden agendas, only those who seek to exercise total and unchallenged control... would deny you an answer to such a question.

We are not to blame for telling the truth, asking questions or expressing our opinions. Those who believe otherwise are nothing more than Satans in our midst.

In honor of a great American, Paul Harvey, we need to start exercising our freedom of speech and thought. And, we need to start today.

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