Saturday, September 20, 2008


Here we are, in the middle of an ugly national economic crisis, exacerbated by an out-of-control oil industry, facing a growing threat to international security, and getting ready to pick our next President and Congress. And here we are, watching the Democratic Party show its leadership in full crisis mode, running around like rabid dogs foaming at the mouth while launching a vicious and unparalleled personal attack on the Republican candidate for Vice-President and meanwhile turning its collective back on what was an opportunity to outshine its opponents by dealing with the issues in an effective and responsible manner. In their zeal to tear their opponents apart, they have succeeded only in showing the world where their real priorities…and abilities…are; and, far from being pretty, it’s a very loathsome revelation.

At the same time, we have a current weak administration and a piss-poor Congress that have presided over the eight years leading up to the financial and energy crisis and that has proven, beyond any reasonable doubt, that it is either is unwilling or incapable of exerting its influence to prevent, or alleviate, these circumstances. The President, displaying his naiveté in the fundamentals of the investment world, excuses the government bailouts of financial institutions by saying that the investors need to be protected. Investors are presumed to know their risks when they invest; that’s why they expect higher rates of return as the risk goes up. Here, we have the situation where investors got their returns and the taxpayers are taking over the risk.

Therefore, I submit that the McCain/Palin team shines by default; they don’t have to say or do anything except to keep their mouths shut and stay on the high road and they will be the heroes of the day.

But, the Democrats, bound and determined to dig themselves into a deep hole, led the charge to allow for new and restricted offshore drilling when, in two weeks, current regulations against offshore drilling would have expired. So, they perpetrated a sham on the public because the areas they opened up to drilling are not likely to produce much in the way of crude oil. At the same time, they guaranteed that the energy crisis, as well as high oil prices, would be extended. Then, they ran to the microphones to proclaim to the country that they had “taken the bull by the horns” while failing to add that they intended to spread the bull as well.

Enter the hacking and public printing of Sarah Palin’s private Yahoo email account. Does this not all lead one to the realization that the Democrats are flailing and sinking? Where is their platform? Where are their ideas? What are their thoughts on the real issues of the day? Could it be that the answers to these questions are all the same: “Destroy Sarah Palin?” Can that really be the sum of their thoughts?

The United States of America deserves much, much more from one of the two major political parties in the country. To be honest, I’m stunned to realize that I have been seriously considering their candidate while this is how they think. How shallow. How sad.

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