Saturday, August 02, 2008


In a recent post, I tackled Barack Obama and laid out the several reasons I don’t like the guy. In that post, I promised to take on John McCain in a forthcoming column. I’ve not forgotten that promise and I am working on it. You’ll see it soon.

And, I’ve made it well known on this illustrious blog and my others that I have no particular love for Congress or George Bush. What I really haven’t discussed at any great length up to this point is our Government in general.

One really has to understand that our government continues to plod on in some direction, whatever that is, regardless of who is in elected office or what the scoundrels are doing Washington. In fact, you can expect that Government will continue to operate this summer while Congress is basking itself in the sun for five weeks at taxpayer’s expense. I suppose that, although they have done nothing for the last 20 years, Congress is so tired from doing nothing that they need a rest. Well deserved, I might add.

While top heads of the various agencies are going to change next year, the underlings…. the real managers of government…will continue. The fact of the matter is that the Cabinet Members and other potentates who are really in the political realm probably don’t even know where their offices are located.

What you have is a managerial structure that continues to actually conduct Government’s business while everyone else flaps their gums, gets into trouble, points fingers, and boozes it up in Washington pubs with well-heeled lobbyists.

Here’s what is interesting. Every day, there are top level politicians in the country who get told by officials of government to “take a hike,” “get lost”, “keep your noses out of our business,” and “dummy up.” That’s a fact. That’s particularly a fact when it comes to “Top Secret” stuff.

Case in point: How many top politicians have tried to find out what is going on in Area 51 and have failed? For that matter, have many investigative reporters have perused that same quest and come back empty handed?

What about the UFO flaps? The Texas UFO sightings this spring are being overshadowed by British sightings this very minute but, you don’t hear about it in the media or see it in the papers and our Government will be quick to tell you that UFO’s do not exist. Never have, never will. Furthermore, just to set the Government record straight, the Roswell incident never occurred, either.

One Dr. Edgar Mitchell, one of the few astronauts to set foot on the moon, has recently come forth claiming first-hand knowledge that UFO’s DO exist, and he’s not the first astronaut to do so. Nor is he the first pedigreed official to suggest that the Roswell incident WAS real and that bodies were removed from UFO’s and ultimately taken to a secret military base, such as Area 51. Several people, claiming to be former employees at Area 51, have come forth and alleged both that there are alien bodies stored in Area 51 and that the Government is “reverse engineering” one or more captured UFO’s at Area 51.

When questioned about the rapid technological advances that have taken place in recent decades, and about the possibility that such advances are in some way linked to what is going on at Area 51, Government sources are quick to suggest that our scientists are no dummies and that these advances are occurring as a result of the efforts of America’s great minds.

I would ask, then, why are all of the advances taking place here, in the United States? Have they no great minds in Britain, or Canada, or even Russia? Just why ARE all of the great technological advances happening right here in our country and nowhere else?

So, there’s this great Government conspiracy to keep us in the dark about UFO’s and aliens. I think that reasonable people, after examining the facts, would agree that the Government is covering up something. Just how much and what, exactly, is anyone’s guess.

Let’s talk about why. If such things exist, and I personally believe they do, and if they were antagonistic or warlike, we’d probably already be toast. We certainly would have angered them to no end when we captured their friends and secreted them off to some desert hideaway. It would seem then, that they are friendly. At least, they are not interfering in our lives. The Government would have us believe that we are uncivilized and barbaric enough that we would panic and behave like senseless idiots, (such as Congressional delegates), if we knew that UFO’s were real.

Let me pose a theory. What if Government is learning enough about technology to be able to take over the world and to control everyone on this planet and there was nothing we could do about it? Would it be worth keeping their plan secret, even from the President and Congress and the Dan Rathers of the world? Furthermore, what if Congress tries to get at the facts and they get told to “butt out” and they have no power to stop it. Don’t you think that Congress itself would come to a grinding halt, unable to function? Don’t you think that the President, faced with the fact that he is powerless against his own Executive Department employees, would become disoriented and dysfunctional?

I know you must think I’m on the sauce when I say these things, but let’s explore this line of thinking to one more level. If what I say is true, would the theory that aliens have been captured and they and their flying machines have been taken to Area 51 where the seed of all of these technological advances was planted and is being nourished, and that those in charge have basically seized control from Congress and the President, thereby creating an inability for Congress and the President to function….. Would, or could, that explain why there’s been nothing done or accomplished by Congress or the Presidents over the last 20 years?

I leave you with that question, until next week.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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