Saturday, July 19, 2008


The great orator of the 21st Century has taken the country by storm. The nation has been captivated by his eloquent speeches and mesmerized by the fact that he threw a successful wrench into the formidable Clinton political machine. Yet, the fact remains that we know little about who the guy really is, about his character and knowledge, about his ability to deal with matters of import while under extreme stress and duress. Nevertheless, after months of campaigning without revealing, and as clever as he’s been at hiding his true identity, (whatever that is), some things about Barack Hussein Obama, presumed Democratic candidate for the Presidency of the United States of America, may now be slowly oozing out.

Thinking back about the early stages the primary campaign when he was emerging as a front-runner, it did not take long for Obama to let it be known that he did not want race to be an issue in the months that would follow. Yet, by even saying so, did he not interject the subject into the conversation of the day? The Clintons, of course, jumped on it like a hot potato and Obama cried foul. A few weeks later, Michelle made her now famous “proud of America” remark, the press and media jumped on it, and Obama cried foul again. Then there was his “clinging to guns and religion” gaffe that had Republicans everywhere salivating at their chops; again, Obama cried foul. Fingers were pointed at him for changing positions on important issues, and he cried foul again.

Now comes to center-stage the front page of the NEW YORKER MAGAZINE. Frankly, I think it’s a big honor for any one in this country to be on the front page of any major magazine. The fact that you are there, pro or con, shows that you are important enough to be there. But, Obama took offense to it and cried foul again. And, every time he cries foul, it’s always about “picking on him,” because he’s black, or because his middle name is Hussein, or because he refused to wear a flag pin or…….. the country, “they,” the “other side,” have all been picking on him.

Up to this point and this realization, I have to say that there was nothing that I liked about either candidate and some things that I disliked about both. But, this characteristic stands out because it speaks to me about his upbringing and about his view of being in trouble. And, we all know that Presidents get themselves into trouble from time to time, so how will Obama handle it if he does? If Putin really starts to build up the Cold War again, what will Obama do? If that short little reptile from Korea gives him the “Moon,” how will Obama handle it? If terrorists manage to rain on the American parade, how will Obama respond?

Judging by what I see as an emerging trend, Obama will go into denial and shake his fist in anger and will say that he’s being picked on. He will curl up into a little ball and scream for mama to protect him.

I’m serious in this criticism because this is the first extremely strong negative that I have viewed, and I think it merits further discovery and explanation. In short, we need to spend more time listening to WHAT he is or isn’t saying and to spend less time congratulating him on the rhythm and cadence of his speaking.

Does this mean I am voting for McCain? Like most of America, I don’t know. I’m in the process of evaluation and that’s why I wrote this piece. I’ll be doing one about McCain, soon. In the meantime, should Obama see this post, expect him to sing the “Wah, wahs.” Maybe he should use his flag pin to hold up his diapers.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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