Saturday, April 12, 2008

MAO Short Shots

Please note: “MAO” is an acronym for My American Opinion and has nothing to do with either sandwiches or Chinese history.

The proposed boycott of the Chinese Olympics is a moot issue. Once the Congress repossesses all of those credit cards that have been abused, no one is going to be able to go anyway. Further, if they TRY to go, they’ll have to swim, now that all of the planes are grounded…. Except, evidently, Air Force One.

The urging by Clinton and Obama to boycott the Olympics demonstrates just how very shallow their understanding of Chinese-American relations really is. We can’t we just rice to the occasion? They probably also think that the Chinese invented checkers. Get a life.

Since my dad was born in Scranton, PA, I am a tad miffed at Obama’s recent put-down of Pennsylvanians. Those remarks weren’t fit for minors or miners. They also open the door a crack about who the real Obama is. I wonder whether he was talking about white Pennsylvanians or black Pennsylvanians. Oh? They were gray? More later.

The fact that Uncle Sam is going to bail people out of their mortgage problems that they themselves got into, underscores the sad fact that Americans are no longer responsible for their own actions. I heard somewhere that Americans spend less time reading the fine print and understanding the terms of a house purchase than they do in buying a computer game. I would be willing to bet that the average American male does not know the R factor of his attic insulation and what that means, or whether or not his studs are 4 inch or 6 inch, or even where his main water shutoff valve is. But, you can bet your sweet buns that he knows how many USB ports his laptop has and what the clock speed of his processor is. Why I should bail him out is beyond me; isn’t this… Communism?

Who’s in charge of port operations at major U.S. cities these days? Sorry, I guess that’s still a sore subject.

Speaking of global warming, did you see the look on Hillary’s face while Petraeus was testifying on the hot seat the other day? Or, did you notice Lieberman riding McCain’s coattails into the meeting room and hanging at his very elbow almost until the meeting started? One thing you surely didn’t see was Kennedy giving Hillary a nice, big fat kiss of fond and loving affection. Maybe he was going to take her for a ride later?

Hillary says she knows how to end the war in Iraq. Okay, babe. Jump on a plane and head right on over there and let us know when it’s over. Don’t forget to sit on your flack jacket on the final approach and to duck under the flack on the tarmac at the Baghdad Airport!

Jimmy Carter’s going to talk with Hamas? Now ain’t THAT sweet! Maybe he’s going to sell them some peanuts?

Now, doesn’t that Iranian hot shot Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have a radioactive personality? Maybe Big Al would like to talk with him about global warming! I hear the guy will shoot any one dead on the spot if they can’t pronounce his name.

When’s the last time you heard of a gas price war in this country? Except for the three stations in Lee Vining, California who have a race going on to see who can raise prices the fastest…

Jesse Ventura is sounding more and more like a Presidential candidate every day. I totally agree with his statement that he can’t stomach the building of a wall between us and Mexico, because we’d need one between us and Canada, too. Then, we’d be in East Berlin. There has to be a better way to solve that illegal immigration issue. On the other hand, it’ll go away pretty soon on its own, because they’ll all be here anyway… Frankly, I think he could wrestle with a lot of our nation’s problems better than any of the other three major potentials at this point.

I wonder how many Americans, knowing now who their Presidential candidates are, would give their left ear lobe for a rerun of the primaries?

Hey! If you think I’m playing on words in this piece, just get over it.

Things got so bad during the Writer’s strike that I even caught some reruns of old Lassie segments on the tube. Actually, once you get used to them, they’re better than sex. Really. You bet.

That’s a great lead in to my next tidbit. Did you know that roughly 97.389% of the married people in San Francisco are either male or female? (Well, I don’t know either; maybe the rest are lawyers.)

When I was a kid, “spring break” was what caused you to throw your watch into the trash can. These days, what with the drinking, drugs and sex parties, it seems to me that Spring Break is a lame excuse to act like Congress.

Don’t you really love the idea of having your medical records on the Internet? When they find out where I’ve got some of MY warts, they’ll probably reconsider the idea.

Katie Couric will probably end up on Airhead America. She has no where else left to go.

Considering the prejudice that American women have survived, and considering the discrimination that people of any color have faced over our history, I think that the flap about Michelle Obama’s statement of being proud for the first time to be an American is much ado about nothing. I think I know where she is coming from, having risen as a black woman to the level of being married to a black man who might become President… that being the metamorphosis that has transformed her feelings about America. I’m much more concerned about Obama’s feelings about America; to me, he’s got one helluva lot of explaining to do, and he really should get rid of the Clintonesque way of worming his way off the hook. It’s just not Wright. (Oh, darn! There I go again!)

Lots of fuss about a vodka maker’s redrawing of the Mexican border. Considering the number of Mexicans, illegal and otherwise, now living in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, it appears to me that the map’s depiction of those states belonging to Mexico is already and Absolut-ly correct. Those raising the ruckus want something done about it? I have a fishy feeling that pulling the ads won’t change the demographics.

Have run across a great site for you to visit. This’ll be my first recommendation in over two years of producing these blogs, so you must know that I value my opinion highly and reserve recommendations for only the best. Please, no emails to tell me how you value my opinion….. Take a look at The site is refreshing and pretty much hits things right on target. Never mind the cute pictures; her husband took them.

That’s a wrap until next week.

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