Monday, November 12, 2007

Washington Needs a Change of Sheets

While our system of government is not broken, those who run it undeniably are.

The list of symptoms is endless. Corruption exists at every level. The word "ethical" exited the scene ages ago. Stories of torrid sex, traded for political favors, abound. Those who stand up against the status quo are crushed like aluminum cans in a scrap yard. And, the attitude of elected and appointed government officials toward the citizens who got them to where they are, is disgustingly cavalier.

The American public is fed up. We want our country back. That message was vividly clear in the last election when dozens of incumbents were turned out of office. Since most of the incumbents were Republicans at that time, the Democrats chose to declare victory for their own selfish interests and they totally missed the message that the public intended them and the rest of Washington to hear.

We're tired of the lies. We're tired of a political machine that takes us to war and prevents our troops from fighting to win. We're tired of a government that allows our borders to be penetrated by illegals on a continuing daily basis, and that expects us to pay for their care while denying those who wish to come here legally an opportunity to do so. We're tired of illegal foreign contributions to political campaigns. We're tired of judges being bought off by well-heeled offenders. We're tired of the endless burden that the middle class is saddled with in inequitable taxation. We're tired of the organized and undefended chipping away of our national ethics, morals, and religious freedom.

Those of us who remember the greatness of America the Beautiful, the "baby boomers," comprise an enormous political influence in this country, and it is time for us to exercise it. Regardless of your political philosophy, be it liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican or Independent, this is the time to band together and vote the incumbent sickos out of office at the primary level. We don't need experience in Washington..... We need a fresh, inexperienced approach that will provide fresh and new answers to our national ills.

"Business as usual" simply has to go to.

Help us take our country back. Don't change our government; change those who govern. Vote all incumbents out.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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