Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Liberal Thinking on Double Standards

You've heard the story before.... The punishment is greater for certain drug crimes than it is for manslaughter. Therefore, the argument goes, the punishment for those drug crimes needs to be reduced. And, I say, as many Americans have said before me.... "Horse shit."

I was reading an article in the October 8th US NEWS & WORLD REPORT about double standards, wherein the disparity is between a limit of possession of 50 grams of crack coke vs if he had 56 grams of powder cocaine is that his sentence would be about 1-100th as long for the latter. The article suggests that the penalty for the 56 grams of crack coke possession therefore needs to be reduced.

WHY DOESN'T THE PENALTY FOR POSSESSION OF POWDERED COKE NEED TO BE INCREASED? Am I missing something here? Why do we automatically presume that, if there is a disparity in the penalties of laws, you need to adjust downward? Doesn't anyone understand what damage 56 grams of crack coke can do? Sociologically, economically, ethically, religiously... How can we be so dumb as to suggest that the possession of that much crack coke should result only in a few days of jail time vs years?

Further, if a guy is going to do years in jail for possession of crack coke, what in the Sam Hades makes you think that manslaughter should be days or weeks or months.... Why should it also not be years?

This liberal way of looking at things is totally out of whack with the real world and with true justice.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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