Tuesday, February 28, 2012



There are those of Americans who have high hopes that Obama will be defeated in November; we're the ones who can see the damage he is doing to our country.  We're the ones who see the manipulations of statistics, the falsifying of monetary economic figures, his assault on religion and guns, and the multitude of other sins he is committing.  

But, are our hopes realistic?  Can Obama's billion dollar campaign chest buy enough votes to drown out our voices?  Will his divisiveness prevail against the Republicans?  Here is a President who looks down his nose at us and tells us we are full of pooh pooh and he belittles us with his snobby and snotty condescension.  In fact, Obama is downright oppressive in all respects.  

We can only realize our dreams, our hopes, if we are willing to invest the time and energy to speak out and energize our friends, relatives and neighbors to get to the polls and vote.  If we don't get off our fat butts and do something, we have no hope.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012


We all know that we are getting fed up to our necks and beyond with government regulations and intrusions into our lives.  Did you know that federal government agencies, which have no Constitutional authority to enact laws, did in fact enact over 50,000 pages of regulations last year?  These are regulations that directly affect you, your business, or agencies that do business with you. 

Try some of these on for size.  You can catch a fish or two and have them for dinner, but if you invite guests to share, you could be in violation of the law because you didn’t have the fish processed by an authorized processing plant.  Same thing with veggies from your garden. 

Let’s presume you drive some miles to work every day and a co-worker offers you $35 per week if you’ll pick him up and take him with you.  You’re undoubtedly in violation of laws pertaining to common carriers and you probably need to jack your car liability insurance up to $1 million or more to comply with the permits you are going to have to get. 

I know of a case where a Native American, who has treaty rights to be able to hunt public lands whenever he wants, encountered a barrier across road access into a hunting area with a sign that indicated the area was closed for the season.  That denies him access to an area where he can hunt 24/7 anytime, and thereby violates his treaty rights.  He took down the barrier and passed thru, proceeded to hunt and was arrested.  He protested based on his treaty rights to no avail because he "trespassed" on the road and the case may end up in the Supreme Court. 

If you spit on the sidewalk, you can be arrested in most jurisdictions.  While your government is now sending your 12-year-old son free condoms in the mail at your taxpayer expense, it is also ready to toss your fanny in jail for allowing your 12-year-old son to have underage sex. 

The fact is that there is nothing you can do, including dying, that does not involve government regulations.  You can literally be charged with dozens of infractions of the “law” or regulations on any given day and you have no say so in the creation of those rules or the hiring of the officials who create them and promulgate them. 

Enough is truly enough and we need to take back our government in November.  We need to be the ones in control of government; government has no right to be in control of us.  That’s why we declared independence from Britain in the first place.  So, it’s time we got back to those basic principles of who controls who. 

We can start by voting out all incumbents in November.  We did a pretty good job in 2010; now let’s follow up by finishing the job.    

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Thursday, February 23, 2012



The rapidly rising gas prices will most certainly cause the U.S. economy to tank again.  High gas prices and the housing bubble caused the last great recession that, I believe, is still not over.  The housing market has by no means recovered.  Too many people are either out of work or on greatly reduced incomes with somewhat limited financial resources.  They will of necessity quit spending for anything except essentials.  That sets up things for another plunge into what may be a very great depression.  

One thing is certain: Obama's veto of the Canadian Keystone Pipeline project did not help the situation one damned bit.  Now he, and the country, are behind the proverbial 8-ball.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012



This is by no means an endorsement of the policies of the Democratic Party.  But, the Republicans have screwed up again big time and they need to be called on the carpet for it.  

They made two dumb moves.  One was in December when they allowed the Democrats to back them into a corner where they could be perceived as wanting to increase taxes on Americans for failing to extend the payroll tax cut.  Then, they tried to weanie out of the predicament by going along with a two-month extension.  They surely looked like dumb clucks over that brilliant  maneuver.  

In a magnificent display of political acumen, they then proceeded to initiate an extension of the payroll tax cut that did not pay for itself.  They robbed future Social Security benefits of the income that should be there to protect those benefits.  That means the general fund is going to have to make up the difference at some point, or benefits will be cut or Social Security scrapped altogether.  You and I know they will dig further into our coffers and scrape up the money for it and the deficit will go up again.  

In short, they played the same political games that the Democrats have been playing and they did it with downright aplomb.  Why didn't they insist on cutting spending someplace to make up for it?  Why didn't they glom on to some of those billions of dollars in savings Obama is going to create in the defense budget?    No, they were too focused on making themselves look like total idiots to see the forest through the trees.  

I am sorry for this situation we are in.  Neither political party is worth a hoot.  I am sorry the Tea Parties did not morph into a political party; even if they do so now, it's too late to make any difference this election season.  Our country is in a horrible corner and it seems there is no one out there capable of leading us out of it.  Certainly, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have any interest in doing so. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Back in 1970 when I got into the casino business in Vegas, one of the old timers confided in me.  “Look kid,” he said, “You don’t know shit from shinola about the gambling business. It’s different from every other kind of business you can think of.  Normal rules don’t apply here.  Don’t make a fool out of yourself.  Shut your mouth and keep it shut and look at how the business is run and listen to the people who know how to run it.”  He was right and, thank God, I followed that advice. 

I tell that story because now is the time for the country to stop, take a deep breath, and to start looking and listening.  I think the President’s outright attempt to take control of religion in this country was the loud gong that woke everybody up and got their attention.  Now, suddenly, it is coming to our notice that this President and his gang in the White House are different from any other Presidency that has ever existed in this country and that normal rules do not apply. 

We need to look at what this man has done and we need to really understand the adverse impacts his agenda has had on our daily lives and on our individual futures, as well as on the future of the country.  Look at what he has accomplished that has been positive for the country.  If you can’t really justify what he has done on the basis of making things better for the country, you are not alone. 

Listen to what he says.  Listen carefully.  He does not talk about his achievements, because he has none.  He does talk about all of the great things he is going to do, but if he didn’t do anything in his first four years, what will he do in his second?  Why is it that the majority of things he says are divisive and lay blame on others for his missteps?  Does he talk about our country in a positive way and does he lead us on to bigger and better things, or does he attack our fundamental liberties and our self –image? 

Look and listen.  Pay close attention to this guy for the next few months.  It’ll be an eye opener. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2012



Obama's latest venture into the world of dictatorship has met with rousing opposition from the proletariat.  The fact that he refused to back down for several days speaks for itself, but the fact that he fabricated a compromise and then dug his his heels in by saying, in essence, "I have issued my proclamation, you will do as I say and I don't want to hear any more about it," underscores his arrogant disregard for the American willpower.  

It seems to be that a battle of the wills has been joined.  Either he wins the right to dictate to us every facet of our daily lives including our religious beliefs, or we show him a thing or two about pushing us into a corner and striking at our core values. 

I think this is the straw that has broken America's willingness to sit still and let him have free reign over our lives any longer.  Let's get this asshole out of office before he does any more damage.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner have been manipulating facts and figures and lying for Obama in support of his economic policies for three years now.  Now comes Ben Bernanke to suggest that any attempt to cut the nation’s deficit will make the economy worse.  This gets directly back to Obama’s assertion about three years ago that in order to solve our debt crisis, we need to spend more money; “we’re going to spend our way out of debt,” remember? 

Every mathematician and economist on the face of the Earth knows that we cannot continue our reckless spending.  We cannot sustain higher deficits.  This country is on the very brink of total economic meltdown.  To have Bernanke making such statements is a ludicrous misrepresentation of the facts.  To have Obama demanding a trillion here and a trillion there of more spending is a shameful dereliction of his duty to protect the United States. 

Every day that goes by, it becomes more and more clear that Obama and his Czarist henchmen want this country to go into the economic black hole so that they can then proceed to finish installation of their Marxist-Socialist agenda.  They need to not only be removed, they need to be run straight out of the country. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Wednesday, February 08, 2012



One again, a Federal Judge has denied the overwhelming popular vote in California against gay marriage.  California voters for the second time voted a constitutional amendment against gay marriage in California, the most recent in 2008 which passed by over 70% of the vote.  However, Federal Appeals Court Judge Stephen Reinhardt ruled that the state has no right to violate the rights of gay Americans.  

First of all, the Federal Court had no jurisdiction to hear the issue.  The subject of marriage is a State right, not a Federal right.  Secondly, the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee the right of anybody to get married.  Therefore, the California vote did not violate the rights of anybody to get married.  This is the most outrageous act of egregious judicial activism I have heard of since the Supreme Court rule that a government has the right to condemn and take private lands to establish commercial ventures.  

Twice the Courts have ruled against the populace of California on this issue.  The people have every right to collectively decide what the rules are going to be as long as those rules do not violate the Constitution.  In states where the voters have decided in favor of gay marriage, I have no problem.  In states where they decide against, no Federal Judge has the power to deny the voters' rights.   

The jackass who decided this case is a Judicial activist who deserves not only to be removed from office, but also to be impeached.  And, if you don't like my opinion on the matter Judge Reinhardt, let's see you defend yours. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, February 07, 2012



It may be difficult to believe when you consider China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and Al Qaeda, but Mexico poses the most imminent and largest threat to the security of the United States.  For decades, Cuba has been festering anti-American factions in Mexico and South America.  Today, it’s Iran and Al Qaeda who are supplying the Mexican drug lords with guns, ammunition, explosives and propaganda in a concerted effort to destabilize the Mexican government and send chaos across the border. 

In Many sections of Mexico, there is already anarchy; governing authorities are either corrupt or otherwise unwilling to confront the drug lords.  Mexico is, in fact, a nearly failed state and if it fails, we will be directly involved.  Over 40,000 people have been killed in Mexico in the last few years, almost half of them living in Mexican states bordering the U.S.  Although the U.S. has been secretly funneling some military aid to Mexico, the Mexican government seems to be almost impotent against the bloody onslaught.  Neighboring countries are pleading for a NATO styled agreement to bring all North American countries to the table in an effort to resolve the situation. 

The fact is that, unless the drug gangs and their foreign backers are stopped and stopped soon, it is entirely possible that the Mexican government will collapse.  And just where do you think all of the good Mexicans are going to head?  Will the bad ones follow them? 

The problems we have with illegal immigration are minute when compared to the possibilities and we have a government with its head stuck deeply in the sand, seemingly unwilling and unprepared to deal with this threat. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, February 04, 2012


Barack Obama (Soetoro), born a Muslim, has now chosen again to speak for Jesus.  This is the second time that the mere mortal President has chosen to put words into Jesus’ mouth.  This time, Obama spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast which he has shunned in the past and said, in essence, that Jesus would stand before the multitudes and demand higher taxes.  “For me as a Christian, it also coincides with Jesus' teaching that, for unto whom much is given, much shall be required," he said.

The fact is that Barack Hussein Obama was a practicing Muslim until he joined Jeremiah Wright’s church.  Wright’s church, of course, espoused hatred of whites.  Obama, running in 2008, made snide remarks about Pennsylvanians clinging on to their guns and Bibles.  Today, he rarely attends any Christian church and now he stands before the nation and proclaims that Jesus wants higher taxes. 

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times:  Obama thinks he is the Messiah.  When you talk about America’s God given unalienable rights, he thinks he can change or alter those rights because he has the power to do so… a higher power.  How blasphemous can you get?  Where does he get off telling the Catholic Church, or any church in the country for that matter, how they shall conduct business?  But, he does it. 

Barack Hussein Obama is a two-bit Chicago hood… nothing more.  When you look at his track record, as I laid out to no end in my posts before the 2008 election in this blog and “WE’RE NOT TO BLAME,” (check back into the previous historical posts which you can do from this or the “BLAME” website), you will quickly reach the same conclusion.  All of his associates have either been far-left anti-American radicals or Chicago hoods.  That’s a fact. 

Now, he speaks for Jesus? 

Do you really think this country needs this two-bit, anti-Christian far-left radical hood in the White House for four more years? 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.