Saturday, October 30, 2010


Well, we’re here at the precipice. Shall we shuck or duck? Do we jump into the fray or do we seek the easy way out? Are we ready to quit our bellyaching and to get off the couch and do something about it? Do we vote or do we not?

I’m going to make a wild assumption: you are reading this because you want to see what I have to say just before the election. Maybe you are looking for one final bit of my endless wisdom that will sway your vote or help you reach the big decision. Perhaps, you imagine, there is a secret formula that will save the nation?

Before I answer your question, let me lay out my position. First of all, I am an American. Yes, I am a Conservative and yes I am a Republican. I’m not a radical Conservative and am not a die-hard Republican. Tests say that I have libertarian tendencies. I am not voting a straight Republican ticket in 2010. When it comes to making decisions, I look at what is best for the country first and what my political associations are second. I am a member of the Tea Party.

That all given so you know where I am coming from, I say that if you are undecided at this point, you really need to get more involved in what is going on in our government. I don’t mean to belittle you; you are but one of tens of millions of Americans who thought that our government would do right by us if we left them alone. I won’t go into detail here about why that didn’t work, but I will emphasize that we need to make a conscious effort to understand what is going on in our government…federal, state and local.

  1. If there is an incumbent running against an incumbent, such as a representative or governor against a senator, vote Republican. 
  2. If there is a political newcomer running against an incumbent or longtime politician, vote for the newcomer. 
  3. If two newcomers are running against each other, vote Republican.  
  4. If there are three or more in the race, vote Republican.  
  5. As a rule, remember that the guy with the dirtiest campaign who spends all of his or her energy knocking the opponent instead of coming to the table with new and fresh ideas… is just more of the same that we need to purge from our system.

That’s it. There will be some disappointments and some unexpected victories, but that is what our political process is all about. And, we must remind ourselves that even if we have a perfect election and win all of the battles we want to win. There is still 2/3 of the Senate left in office until 2012 and we will need to purge them as well. Also, we must be demanding and make the new guys in 2010 do their jobs the way the jobs are supposed to be done and to respond to the will of the country; if they fail, we must eliminate them in 2012.

Above all, we must vote.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


We’re just a little over a week from election time. Many people in many states have already voted. Most of the military stationed overseas will not be able to vote, but many illegal aliens will. One wonders what mischief ACORN has been up to. Yes, they were disbanded into dozens of smaller organizations with different names, but they are all still “loosely connected” through their “association.”

I could spend a day talking about the first paragraph. The point is, about 5% of legitimate American voters are still undecided about what to do. Clinton and Obama are running around the country trying to smooth over the multitudes of sins committed by Reid, Pelosi and Obama and those who blindly followed their commands. What they are really trying to accomplish is to motivate the Democratic base that swept Obama into power in 2008 to come out and vote again.

From my observation, all but about 20% of that base is too embarrassed about what has happened over the past two years to come out and vote again. But, if they get bullied into doing it, chances are they will not vote a straight Democratic ticket. In fact, I would suspect that more Republicans will get elected if Bill and Barry are successful in their campaign tours.

And, just how will I feel about that? I mean, I’ve been saying all along that we need to vote out the incumbents, regardless of political party, who have become part of the Washington “culture” of elitist dominance over American citizens. We did a great job in the primaries as far as voting incumbents out. But, what about now?

I am a registered Republican; I have been all of my life. Nevertheless, I will say that I am not voting a straight Republican ticket. I do think that the main task we must now accomplish is to neuter Obama’s political agenda. He’s planning to go ahead with it regardless of how the election turns out and my fear is that a continued dominance in the House and Senate will provide him with still enough political clout to do that.

So, my recommendation on national offices, the House and Senate, is to vote Republican. As far as other offices are concerned on the state and local levels, I think you should look solely at the qualifications of the candidates and their voting records; hopefully you will not find any with a history of voting, “present,” such as Barack Obama consistently did in the Illinois legislature.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010



NPR's senior news analyst Juan Williams has been fired.  Williams, who regularly appears on Fox news, was summarily canned for making remarks on the O'Reilly show "THE FACTOR," to the effect that he gets nervous when he's getting on an airplane and sees several men in full Moslem regalia getting on the same plane. William's NPR boss wouldn't hear any excuses, saying that his attitude "crossed the line" and, after ten years with NPR, he wasn't even given the opportunity for a face-to-face discussion on the issue; they canned him by phone.  

Now, I don't particularly agree with a lot of what Williams says.   But, he does discuss and can be persuaded on some issues.  Most of his commentary is to the left, but he has many valid arguments for his positions.  

All of that aside, he has the right to his views and, in this case, I agree with him.  NPR is known to be very far left in its programming and opinion and on the tax-payer's dole at that.  People who are left cannot discuss anything on a rational basis.  They either yell and scream or walk away in a huff, which is why they refused to discuss the issue and fired Williams on the phone so they would not have to deal with the unpleasant and unwelcome face-to-face discussion.  

Furthermore, Williams wasn't even on NPR when he made the comments; he was on Fox.  This is akin to an abridge of Williams' right to free speech.  

It's an afront to me that part of my taxpayer money goes to fund a leftist radio network in the first place; that's socialistic government propaganda at work.  As far as I am concerned, this is just one more reason why NPR should go off the air. 

Saturday, October 16, 2010


The Thursday night showdown between U.S. Senator and Majority Leader Harry Reid and upstart Sharron Angle drew a sharp contrast between political philosophies that needs to be brought to the attention of all Americans.

Reid’s underlying principle is that government has the responsibility to create jobs and to take care of the citizens and, therefore, that government has the inherent right to call all of the shots. Angle’s position is essentially that government should only create the policies that allow the economy to flourish and jobs to be created and that the people are the ones who have the inherent right to call the shots. The fundamental difference is that Reid believes all political power emanates from the government and Angle believes that all political power emanates from the people.

The U.S. Constitution spells out in no uncertain terms that America’s political power emanates from the people. I would therefore argue that Reid and other elected officials who think like him do not believe in the Constitution and that they have therefore violated their oaths of office, to protect and defend the Constitution. In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the Earth, I do not recall any Biblical addendums to say “and the governments shall rule happily ever after.”

The fact is that the framers contemplated with great care and debate exactly what form and format our government should take. Once established, our government took its course and it has operated successfully for 234 years since. It has seen us through the Civil War, two world wars, the Great Depression… you know all of the history. In concept, anyone who violates the Constitution is guilty of a crime against the country. Yet, Reid, Pelosi, Obama and their associates have the utter audacity to ignore the Constitution, to subvert the will of the people, and to assert that the document is outdated and therefore of no consequence.

To hear that the government contemplates telling restaurants what foods they can and cannot serve, citizens what doctors they can and cannot see, states what laws they can and cannot pass or enforce… runs against the grain of every principle contained in our Constitution. Yet we, the ones with the real political power in this country, have abdicated our power by remaining silent instead of undertaking what should have been vehement opposition to what those in power have been espousing.

My fellow Americans, time is short. Barely over two weeks remain before the elections. You agree with what I am now saying and have been saying for months and months, or you would not be reading this. You are not the ones who need to be convinced, but your friends, relatives and neighbors are. We must unite now and gain as many numbers as we possibly can so that we can ensure our rights to be the governing political body of our great country and so we can silence those in Washington who seek to steal our rights away from us.

For the sake of those who came before us and those who will follow us, we must stand tall, shoulder to shoulder, and we must accomplish the task with which we are now faced.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010



Here it is, Wednesday, November 3rd.  You awaken, turn on the news and learn that Harry Reid has been re-elected.  Nancy Pelosi has been re-elected.  The list goes on.  The liberal democrats have pulled off a true "November Surprise."  

Obama is jubulant.  He is talking incessantly about his plans to get Cap & Trade passed and expansion of the new Health Care plan into a full government-run operation.  Pelosi, Reid and Obama are laughing at the Tea Parties and chiding Sarah Palin, Fox and radio talk-show. 

Please, let's not allow that to happen.  Be sure to show up at the polls and vote and take your neighbors and relatives with you.  We do not need one more day, let alone two more years, of the horrible assaults on America like we have seem over the last two years. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Tuesday, October 12, 2010



I've heard it said several times in the last week or so, and in a tone of disdain,  that Glenn Beck has gone around the bend with religion and is getting too close with God.  

I can't help but wonder if the real problem is that those people are growing further away from God and therein lies their discomfort with the subject. 

Somehow, with this constant barrage of anti-religious activity in the country and with the busy lives we have been leading, our parents did get further away from God and that trend has been growing with us and our children. 

I sincerely doubt that God has taken a hiatus from the subject as well.  But the ethics and morality taught in the Bible are the same ethics that are lacking in our government today.  I think we all owe it to ourselves and to our country to re-examine our relationships with God and to consider making a change.  

For one thing, I think it is totally out of line to criticize someone else for their relationship with God.  People who do that would, it seems to me, be among the first to deny God and to turn tail and run if the chips were down. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, October 09, 2010


Here we are, barely three weeks before the November voter’s vengeance, plagued by Mexican drug violence, border immigration problems, unemployment, an economy that still sucks, a tin-horned dictator in Iran and a two-bit rabble-rouser in North Korea, a Mosque that no one wants in New York City, terrorist trials that are in big trouble in civilian courts, a war that won’t go away in Afghanistan… is there no end to this list? We have a President who wants to put his Marxist stamp on American democracy and we have a flock of mindless Congressional drones cruising around the country asking for re-election as if they deserve it for following him like sheep to the slaughter.

Now is the time that we, the people, must put an end to this Great American Debacle.

We demand the right to speak what we think without fear of retribution. We require a good education for our children, free of political imprint. We reserve the right to bear arms and to protect ourselves against tyranny. We expect the ability to own our own land and homes without government taking them from us for the purpose of selfish political or personal gain. We insist upon a judicial system that supports, rather than subordinates, our Constitution and that is free from corruption. We firmly assert that our government is a government of the people, by the people and for the people and we shall not allow it to perish from the Earth.

This is our country, created and preserved upon the blood of our fathers and their fathers. We stand on the principles of freedom, liberty and justice equally and for all. We will not hesitate to look the enemies of our country in the eye and to purge ourselves of their adverse influences upon the futures of our children or our nation.

We shall, on November 2nd of this momentous year, return our great nation to the dignity that it has earned on the pathway to greatness among all nations. We shall not falter in our mission; rather, we shall persevere every moment of every hour of every day until the bells of our republican democracy once again ring across the land.

May God have mercy on the souls of anyone who stands in our ways.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, October 06, 2010



Candidates all across the country are doing everything possible to distance themselves from President Obama.  Don’t be fooled; don’t forget. 

It was Obama who demanded… demanded, mind you… that our Congress pass the Health Care Bill.  He did not give one iota about what we thought; in fact, he and his kiss-ups, Pelosi and Reid, belittled us and called us names.  HEY!  Astroturf!  Remember those episodes where they called us mindless Fox drones? 

The guys running for reelection are the real mindless idiots who blindly obeyed Obama's demands and passed thousands of pages of legislation that we were against and that they did not read.  When we step into the voting booth on November 2nd, we need to remember who the real mindless idiots are. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, October 02, 2010


Another one of my famous, albeit infrequent collections of snippets and wisdom regarding news and current events is before you. Let’s get right to it:

A recent poll shows 77% of Americans dislike Congress and 17% like Congress. One can only assume that the other 6% are aliens from outer space.

Democrats are running around like crazy and asserting that they don’t want to see our taxes go up. You noticed how they all stood up and demanded a vote to extend the Bush tax cuts before they headed for the hills?

Speaking of heading for the hills, it’s also interesting to see how many of those guys who did not read the Health Care Plan but voted for it anyway are now fidgeting in their chairs when the subject comes up. Judging by the looks on their faces, you’d certainly think someone had just passed some bad gas.

And, speaking of aliens from outer space, California’s Jerry Brown is zeroing in on Meg Whitman for the governor’s spot. Those who were around forty or so years ago will fondly remember good old “Moonbeam” Brown. I wonder how his main squeeze of the time, Linda Ronstadt, is doing these days. Isn’t life sooooo wonderful?

Don’t you wonder how a President has the guts to take on a cable news network which has more viewers than all of the other news networks combined? Watch out! A guy with this much audacity might even be inclined to shove a Health Care Plan through Congress when 72% of Americans are against it.

The stock market is up. Sometimes I wonder if Geithner and Company is investing some of that unused/unreturned TARP money to keep the market up going in to the election, but then I remember that he’s a close and personal friend of Rahmbo and I know that he’d never consider doing anything like that.  No, really, I'm not being sarcastic.  Not a chance. 

What I DO know is that there are one helluva lot of Americans out of work these days for one helluva long time, and our President is obsessed with getting an interview with THE ROLLING STONE mag. I wonder what Stanley McChrystal has to say about that? But, now that the recession is over, I guess all of those people will be going back to work Monday anyway.

And, as long as we’re speaking of things, we’re sorry to see Rahmbo exit to stage left. Chicago’s loss is our gain. It will be awhile before we know if Rouse is a grouse or a louse or a mouse in that big old White House.

So, Obama invites some family of a deceased World War 1 hero over for a presentation and White House hoopla, and one of his aids throws out one of the family, a 10-year-old boy, because he was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with a picture of the hero on it. Hooray for the White House for underscoring Obama’s priorities in life; whatever it takes, show them who’s the biggest snob in all of the land. Thank God the kid didn’t ask for a job.  But, I do hear that Obama is inviting the young man to return; maybe they'll have a beer with Joe out on the White House lawn. 

Barney Frank has evidently been upset because his name hasn’t been in the news much, so he lashed out and blamed the Tea Parties for trying to destroy him. That’s one of the favorite tricks of that team of Frankfarter, Pelosi, Reid, Obama, Rangel, Dodd and Waters: When the country knows what a despicable cad you really are, blame Bush or blame the Tea Parties. “Look, the right wing has been attacking me for a long time, and I think they're particularly upset because last summer, when everybody was dealing with these town meetings, I fought back. ... I think Tea Parties say I'm their worst one. I think they'd like to make an example of me, that if you fight back, you get punished. So I'm working hard.” Damned Tea Parties, anyway.

Pelosi says there’s no way that the Democrats can lose the House of Representatives. Harry Reid decided to change the subject of the November elections by calling for a vote on the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy and…. promptly lost the vote. Oh, I'm just wild about Harry. 

Well there, Reverend Wright, I think you’re right. And, we all thought you were left. Anyway, all of the chickens ARE finally coming home to roost.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, without sarcasm or fanfare, respectfully submitted.