Saturday, July 31, 2010


Last week, I ranted about 73,000 blogs being shut down by the Obama Gestapo without any charges being filed or Court order issued. This is a violation of every facet of American freedom and is akin to storm troopers ramming down your doors, accusing you of issuing statements against the regime, and throwing you in a gulag forever… or worse.

The fact that the White House has not commented and the mainstream media has not followed up on this story is solid evidence that the “machine” has something nasty to hide. Remember… this is the site where you first learned about the Black Panthers intimidating Philadelphia voters in 2008, when the mainstream media didn’t carry the story and the White House refused comment. Now, 20 months later, it’s a story.

Well, so is the story about the 73,000 blogs being shut down without Court Order, without a hearing, without any charges being filed. It’s a story, and you need to tune in to it. 

Pay attention to news now seeping out of the new Financial Reform Act: A provision buried in the financial reform bill allows the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to ignore a vast array of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. That is, the SEC could now be allowed to ignore any and all requests for information about its activities.


The issue came to a head last week as part of an ongoing FOIA dispute between the SEC and the FOX Business Network.  FOX Business sued the SEC in March 2009 for failing to produce documents related to the agency’s botched investigations of the Madoff and Stanford Ponzi schemes. Now the SEC is taking the position that a provision in the recently passed Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act exempts the agency from releasing any documents related to FOX Business’s request. This means that the SEC has become exempt from telling anyone what it is doing, providing information or answering to the public for what it does. It gives the SEC more powers of secrecy than the CIA has.  


The FBI, under the direction of Attorney General Holder, acting under the cover of a technical change to existing legislation, is now about to seize power to require businesses to turn over emails and other electronic communications without Court order or warrant. It will require Internet providers to turn over meta-data about a user's traffic habits without having to show any justification. Moreover, the initiative requires the business not to tell the internet user that the records have been seized. 


Can you honestly sit there and tell me that these secretive moves by the government are not tantamount to S.S. operations carried out in the Soviet Union or Hitler’s Germany? This is not simple skirting of law; it is a direction violation of rights to privacy, freedom and justice. 

As for the 73,000 blogs, there has been a complete and total blackout of information imposed by someone in a position of power to do so. The initial story was that the blogs were shut down for violations of copyright law and similar offenses. Then, a story circulated that the blogs, all 73,000 of them, were associated with terrorist activities. Now, we hear that the agency that shut the blogs down was the Department of Immigration and Naturalization.

What gives?

It appears to me that Barack Hussein Obama has set himself up to be the “front man,” the Chairman Mao who sets about trying to dissuade and mislead the masses while the real culprits, the White House Czars, set about their nefarious activities associated with taking away our liberties and overthrowing our system of government. I cannot think of any other reason as to why these activities are taking place today, here in the United States of America. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

Monday, July 26, 2010


For God and Country

Saturday, July 24, 2010


That may not sound like much, just 73,000 blogs out of millions on the Internet. But, why has not the White House commented on the story? Why has it not been covered by the “main stream media?”

Just in case you, like millions of other Americans, have been denied the story, here’s the essence., which carried more than 73,000 blogs, was recently shut down. Nobody seems willing to say why or who is responsible. The loose knit story is that “law enforcement agencies” shut down. Initial reports state that the sites were shut down because they contained copyrighted and intellectual material without the consent of the authors. 

What authors?  What content?  

Whatever happened, here are some facts: no civil or criminal court charges have been filed. No court hearing has taken place. No court order has been issued. This is akin to storm troopers ramming down your doors, accusing you of issuing statements against the regime, and throwing you in jail.

There now is the excuse being floated by left-wingers that the sites contained terrorist threats and bomb making instructions. Okay, why isn’t the White House trumpeting the fact that they caught these terrorist sites and shut them down? While I haven’t mentioned it because I have not been able to verify it, there are those who say that the shutdowns occurred because the bloggers were posting anti-Obama or anti-Administration messages.

That’s a serious very charge.

Stop and think about the implications. If Obama and his Czars can shut down 73,000 websites without even a mention in the mainstream media, why can’t they shut down 250,000 or even a million? Granted, if there were in fact 73,000 websites espousing terrorist activities, we would want them shut down. Without due process? No. Without fair hearings? No.

In the absence of comment from the White House, and given the fact that the mainstream media has not covered the story, what are we left to presume? That there’s a blackout on the story? If so, why?

Are you willing to give this story a pass? Or, do you want answers?

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

THE SHERROD AFFAIR: Obama’s Last Stand?


Once again the Obama Administration has shown its total callousness toward everyone and everything that exists beyond the fence line at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Now comes Shirley Sherrod, an employee of the U.S.D.A. whose remarks were taken out of context and blown up to be something that they were not. Totally without hearing all of the remarks, the White House and Sherrod’s supervisor suffered from a knee-jerk reaction, concluded that Sherrod was engaged in reverse racism and summarily fired her.

Now, after watching the full tape of the remarks and in the middle of a firestorm, the White House has taken a sudden reversal, begged for Sherrod to come back and issued an apology. They waited until the press and the media got a hold of the truth and aired it on national television to finally review the whole tape. And, they evidently want Sherrod to roll over, come back to work and play like nothing ever happened.

There’s the total lack of understanding on the illegal immigration issue, the Khalid Sheik Mohammed trial, the Gulf Oil Disaster, the Health Care debacle, the economy, unemployment, the issue of making the military buy their own health insurance… Really, when is enough enough? Is this finally the straw that will break the back?

Everyone knows what Obama is; when are we going to do something about it? He needs to be so isolated in his fancy White House after November that he can’t do a damned thing. He needs to be made politically impotent.

I never thought I would say this, but I am finally convinced that every seat up for election in November needs to be filled with a Republican, and then we must ride herd on the Republicans to make sure they step up to the plate.

I think enough IS enough.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010



Harry Reid has done a total disservice to this country by spearheading programs that are strictly socialistic and by supporting spending legislation that has led us to the brink of bankruptcy. He has shown his cheating, lying ways; remember the Ben Nelson deal during the health care debates?

Sharron Angle is tight-fisted with the tax payer’s money and has a strong record in the Nevada legislature for conservative ideals and for listening to her constituents. I no longer live in Nevada, but I believe it is important enough for Reid to be defeated that I am putting my money where my mouth is.

The Reid political machine that has been created over decades of power in Washington is being fed by far-left radical groups that want Reid to continue undermining the basic and fundamental pieces of our history and culture. Reid’s campaign chest is the largest of any Senator in the history of Nevada. Sharron is refreshingly new to the Washington political scene and needs our support. Please consider sending her campaign a contribution today.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Yesterday would have done anyone proud. In a small town in the Cascades of northern California, everyone dropped what they were doing, grabbed their American Flags and headed on down to Main Street. Yesterday was the day that Lance Corporal Tyler Roads, USMC, came home to Burney for the last time.

Roads was the second United States Marine from Burney to die in the Afghanistan war. Larry Snelling, Superintendent of the local school district said it all: “He was fulfilling a dream to serve his country and follow in his grandfather’s footsteps.” He was a Marine, he was an American.

As the motorcade bringing the body of American Marine Tyler Roads from the airport in Redding to Burney started down Main Street, an ominous silence fell over town… a silence that was punctuated only by the siren of the Highway Patrol vehicle leading the procession. Literally everyone in Burney and nearby Johnson Park was there, lining Main Street on both sides all of the way through town to the mortuary. Almost everyone carried an American flag; until this day, I never knew or suspected that the town of Burney had that many American flags in it.

As the motorcade turned off of Main Street and into the mortuary, one of the motorcycle honor guards yelled to the throng of bystanders, “My God, thank you. Thank all of you.”

To which an observer replied, “No… thank YOU.”

We all watched in reverent silence as the United States Marines carried the casket in to the funeral home. Yes, we were all saddened by the cause of this event; but, we were all proud to be Americans. This young man gave the ultimate sacrifice in the service of his country.

Those of us who have had the honor to serve our country know full well the sacrifice that this American hero made. We know the choices that he made in his life, particularly the one to serve. We know the commitment he made to his country and the risks that he agreed to assume.

As the doors to the funeral home closed behind the Marines who were carrying American Marine Tyler Roads home, I made a pledge to myself. I urge all of you to take a moment and to digest what I have said here. Again, this man was an American who willingly put himself in harm’s way in service of his country. I cannot think of a more patriotic gift that any man or woman can give.

I will be damned if I will allow anyone, including the President of the United States who has never served, to denigrate the history of this country and to trample upon all of the historic traditional values we stand for. I will not allow this President and his Czarist henchmen to besmirch the American way. I will not allow any Congressman or Senator to sell this country down the drain in order to gain personal favors or money. I will fight these things with every ounce of my breath and every moment of my life. I will overtly combat any activity by any one or any agency or organization that makes the life of Tyler Roads any less honorable. So help me God.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


And they’re doing it. At every turn of the hour or day, Obama and his fascist czars along with Pelosi, Reid and Frank, are out there actively and purposefully turning every segment of American society against each other.

Think about it. They now have whites vs. blacks totally stirred up again for the first time in decades. They’re favoring blacks and letting blacks commit crimes against whites without retribution. You have the leader of the Blank Panther Party running around advocating violence and mayhem against whites and intimidating them at the polls, and you have a justice department that drops its case against him.

They have Christians vs. Muslims, atheists vs. Christians, Jews vs. Muslims… they’ve really stirred up the religious community. NASA has been told that is primary mission is to be nicer to Muslims. Muslims are building a huge mosque just down the street from the World Trade Center and they’re making no apologies in the process.

Legal Americans vs. illegal Mexicans, and any state that stands with the legal Americans gets sued.

Unemployed vs. employed and vs. the government. They’ve given nothing but lip service to the plight of millions of Americans without jobs. Instead of creating jobs with the stimulus money they stole from us, they’re pissing away that money on such projects as forcing grocery stores to convert their inventories to more healthy foods, regardless of what consumers want.

They want Americans to report bloggers who blog against the government. They want oil workers to lose their jobs in the gulf, but refuse to allow more exploration on land. They turn states against the central government by refusing to provide disaster support until they’re actively threatened with being lynched; then, when they allow help in the Gulf they send out enforcement agents and regulators to hamper those who are trying to clean up the mess.

They turn citizens against law enforcement by insinuating that law enforcement is incapable of enforcing the law without being discriminatory because they are uneducated, trigger happy nitwits.

They deny Americans the right to speak out. They deny Americans the right to defend themselves. They turn Tea Partiers against union members, union members against gun owners, gun owners against the government, Americans against business, and they seek to shut down the media that reports these things.

This coming election is not about conservatism vs. liberalism, nor is it about Republicans vs. Democrats. It is about throwing the bums in Washington out, out, out because, in the final analysis, in the process of their fomentation of hatred on all fronts they have finally convinced us that we hate Washington and what it has become.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, July 03, 2010


Travelling right along in the Pacific Northwest, I landed at a LaQuinta Inn in Oregon. Turns out that some bright accounting type guy decided that the Inn could cut expenses if all of the lights, the TV and the air conditioning in the room automatically shut off when the guest leaves the room. So, the deal is that you have to stick your magnetic room-entry card into the wall to turn those things on and when you leave, of course, you take your key with you so that everything turns off a few minutes after you close the door.

To me, this smacks of the narrow toilet paper that Northern Tissue now puts out. They don’t care what the customer thinks, they just do it. It’s a cost-saving mode and screw the customer, right? Well, the customers raised hell because they would come back to their rooms expecting them to be at the temperature they wanted before going to bed and the good folks at LaQuinta started to provide extra keys so that you could leave one in the wall while you went to have pizza.

Equally dumb was the Subway in Oregon that doesn’t have a tip jar out. The reason was that the employees were constantly complaining about the split of the tips, so the management took away the tip jar and said that every employee was on his own. Now, there were two people involved in making my sandwich. Who do I tip? If I have to decide, it’ll be no one. They surely shot themselves in the foot over that move.

So did the guy at Pilot in Oregon. By law, they have to fill your tank; no self service allowed. Okay, he didn’t clean the windshield. Every other time I’ve been in Oregon, they cleaned my windshield, too. One even checked my oil; he got a tip. This guy quite plainly told me that the law says they have to pump gas, not clean windshields, and if I wanted my windshield cleaned I could get my butt out of the car and do it myself. Guess I won’t go there again.

Heard on the news that numnuts and his EPA are shutting down refineries in Texas. Nothing like putting another 10 or 20,000 employees out of work. Why? He’s probably ticked off about the court decision that says he can’t shut down off-shore production “pending a safety review.” If you shut down the refineries, what are they going to do with the crude, anyway? What an ass! I changed radio stations, I was so angry.

Then, he gave a speech on what he’s going to do about the immigration problem. That was another peachy-keen bit of Presidential wisdom; make a lot of thunder, fart in the wind and then pronounce that everything is going to be better as soon as Jan Brewer kisses his ring and worships the hallowed ground that the walks on.

How about the Office Depot place where the gal goes through the printing order drill… how many copies, color of paper, double-side or single sided… you know the myriad of questions. Followed by, “When do you need this? Saturday? There’s no way we can have it ready by Saturday at noon. If you really need it that fast, you’ll have to take it someplace else.” Last I heard, they were getting ready to close their doors. Don’t you wonder why?

Numnuts saved 143 million jobs last week. Yeah, I know that unemployment went up again, but he saved 143 million jobs last week. Yes, I do know that new and used housing sales have tanked and that several prominent economists are warning that we are about to enter another Great Depression. But, he saved 143 million jobs…. Oh? There are not that many jobs in the country? Well, what the hell, the math doesn’t matter anyway.

I just love traveling.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, on the road.